èƵ would like to thank the many people who contributed to making the Harriet Pattison Oral History a reality.
A project such as this comes to life through the efforts of many individuals and organizations. Thank you to Harriet Pattison and Nathaniel Kahn for making time in their schedules for the June and July 2015 interviews and location shoots. Nathaniel Kahn also generously provided footage from his movie, My Architect. A very special thanks goes to Bill Whitaker for providing insight, guidance, and generous access to the drawings from the Kahn, Patton, Pattison, and Venturi, Scott Brown Collections, as well as allowing us to film in the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania. Carole Gravagno allowed us to film at her beautiful garden. Larry Korman was extremely generous with his property and the visual materials on his website. Joseph Karr shared his personal photos of Dan Kiley’s office, and Aaron Kiley, through family photographs and video footage, opened a unique perspective into Dan Kiley’s office and personality. Suzy Brown, Madeline Grimes, and their staff allowed us to film at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park and shared extensive images and ephemera of the day the site was dedicated. Brenda Danilowitz and her staff at the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation supported us through their generosity of materials. The Hershey Company and, in particular, Jeff Beckman provided permission to film at their corporate headquarters. Andy Kaplan of the Francis Parker School shared excellent images of “Toy Shop” and other school activities. Patricia O’Donnell shared historic images of the Camden Amphitheater. Judith Tankard pointed me in the right direction with newspaper clippings and Richard Bumstead helped me source images from the University of Chicago. Thanks, also, to the Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscapes Survey and to Wikimedia Commons, which proved invaluable in illustrating this oral history. With thoughtful foresight, Mark Gunderson filmed the Kimbell Art Museum grounds immediately before the construction of the Piano Pavilion and made those clips available. We are especially grateful to the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), our Annual Sponsor, for the entire oral history series.
There were many generous funders for this oral history, including the National Endowment for the Arts, Hubbard Educational Trust, Nathaniel Kahn, and Leslie Rose Close.
Photographs, prints, and drawings reproduced courtesy of the following individuals and institutions:
Bain News Service; David Basanta; Benggriff; Charles A. Birnbaum; Marco Bonavoglia; Diane Bondareff, Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park; Camden Library Archives; Centpacrr; J. Crocker; Daderot; Dmharvey; Barrett Doherty; Dutch National Archives, The Hague, Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANEFO), 1945-1989; Matthew Field; Bernard Gagnon; Goldnpuppy; Mihael Grmek; Mark Gunderson; Jared and Corin; Joseph Karr; Aaron Kiley; Kimbell Art Museum Collection; Er Komandante; Courtesy of Larry Korman; Werner Lang; Oscar liberal; Fernando Martín; Taís Melillo; Halley Pacheco de Oliveira; courtesy of Harriet Pattison; Harriet Pattison; Peachoftree; John Phelan; Rdsmith4; Reguera; Sdantzer; Slaunger; Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore; Kim Traynor; Underwood/Library of Congress; Paul Warchol; and the Wharton Esherick Museum.
University and Museum Archives:
Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
Louis I. Kahn Collection, University of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission housed in the Harvey and Irwin Kroiz Gallery, resources of the Kahn Collection are used with the permission of the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania.
George E. Patton Collection
Harriet Pattison Collection
Venturi, Scott Brown Collection
Archives of American Gardens
Garden Club of America Collection,
[Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden] [lantern slide]: walkway through stone sculptures. ME043002
[Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden] [lantern slide]: main flower garden. ME043004
[Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden] [lantern slide]: flower beds with paths. ME043005
Hamilton House [lantern slide] ME022007
Parsons Garden [lantern slide] ME027001
Parsons Garden [lantern slide] ME027002
Garden Club of America Collection, Keewaydin,
[Keewaydin] [lantern slide]: garden vista ME045001
Francis Parker School Archives
Josef and Anni Albers Foundation
Interaction of color cover 5_0001
New Haven Museum
West Side of Church Street, Between Center and Chapel, New Haven
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania
UPF 8.5 News Bureau: Biographical Files, Fogg, John M. Jr, undated